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  • T.C. Lanbryn

No, This is Not a New Years Resolution

It's been awhile, and it might be awhile after this post, but hello again. I haven't disappeared, and this project is still active, even if I'm not very good at marketing it. If you've been following this website at all, then I have some updates to share with you, both good and frustrating, about how this project is coming along.

Against all advice, I'm still passionately invested in the world of The Sigma Initiative, so when I have time to write, I sit down and joyfully explore the story a little more in Book 2. This is not to say that I'm not excited about other projects I will be working on in the future, but I like to see my projects through, and I have a hard time redirecting passion to something else while the characters of The Sigma Initiative are so interesting to me. This last part is exactly why writing Book 2 is currently going so well for me—I have the opportunity to explore other perspectives in the series, and they have so much to contribute to the story! There's a lot of momentum, a lot of suspense, and so much growth for the entire cast of characters; I can't imagine moving on to something else at this point. This is the strongest initial draft I've written yet, and I'm so excited to eventually share it with you.

That leads me to perhaps the more frustrating part of this project. I haven't yet gained traction with agents, but that's par for the course. My query profile, however, cannot be par for the course, so today I'm updating my materials and giving the presentation of this project another try. Querying is not only marketing my book to agents, but also instructing agents how to market my book to publishers and publishers how to market my book to the target audience. And I'm not an expert in this. I am a good writer, though, and I'm giving this my best go of it. I'm confident it will land at some point, I'm just not sure when.

My book wasn't easy to write, and it's not easy for me to market, but it's been worth the effort and will continue to be worth the effort. I'm looking for someone who can see this and is excellent at what they do. I look forward to sharing that I've found the right person to represent this series.

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